Starting a Journal

A New Goal I'm setting for 2025 that isn't related to my job, books, fitness, or mental health!

One of the things I’ve “joked about” when I justify making a blog post or when I do much of any sort of writing has been “to find my voice”. When I talk, I personally tend to like how I sound. That said, I am bad at having things to say that I think are “important.” This year, I have decided to change all of that with the Practice of Writing Down Dumb Shit. That’s right, I started a Journal.

I’m not doing any of these specific journal types or taking pictures and pasting them in, or really any of the things that make journals more artful and expressive. I am literally attempting to fill exactly One Page most days about mostly nothing. No more than One page either. I want to attempt to keep it as easy as possible on myself at this point in time.


Well, good question. I don’t think I know. I probably won’t go back and read it, it will not contain any profound thoughts, and it doesn’t really track anything. It’s just full of “today I did the dishes. I should pay more attention at work.” Ya know, stuff like that. I think I am searching for the ritual of the thing. At least to start. I don’t want to put more of a burden on myself to do more with it. At least, so far. I probably want to add more details about the things I read or games I am playing or SOMETHING but, that’s for later. For now, I will continue to tell nobody about how often I am running the vacuum.